Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Puzzles and Pieces: Done!

Happily, that didn't take so long. The trickiest part was in deciding what WASN'T needed in the big table. In this case, I built a table centered around what changes based on player performance, and only made notes in specific entries where something was more complicated. For example, in the cells showing how lighting changes for each level of player performance, I noted that it also varies with the verse/chorus structure of a song. This made more sense than adding more columns for the table for "verse/chorus/solo," since most effects aren't affected by song structure.

Once I took that approach, the table sorted itself out fairly quickly; then I decided to color-code it to illustrate patterns in the table that would take too long to explain in text. Colors also make the spec more fun to read, when they're actually informative.

(It's critical when writing specs to find ways to help the reader make it through pages of documentation without their eyes glazing over from boredom. Bullet-points, color-coding, tasteful use of boldface and italics, and lots of whitespace are your friends here.)


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